We had a very fun fourth of July. The weather was nice and we started off the day enjoying a patriotic parade! The girls got dressed up in their red, white and blue and I had to snap a few pictures before we left.
The next town over has a big celebration every fourth of July, so that is where we headed. While we were waiting, the local news came up and asked if we wanted to be interviewed. Nathan was nice enough to be in the video with the girls. (we met up with another friend so that is her little girl) They ended up on the news that night! Luckily I remembered to set the DVR when we got home so we have it taped.
Ave was pretty hilarious. She kept her whole had in her mouth practically the whole interview. I guess she was a little shy.
The pure joy of waving their flags. So cute.
After the parade we headed home for lunch and nap time. The very first time Lily tried Sprite, she said it was "spicy". I guess the carbonation tickles her tongue. Ha. It really cracks me up and it's one of those things I never want to forget. Thankfully I am writing it here.
During Ave's nap family came over and we swam, snacked and played. Later that evening we cooked out some yummy food. Avery really enjoys corn on the cob, which I am thankful for.
After dinner we went over to a friends house to watch the town fireworks. The girls had fun playing with the other kids and once the fireworks started were interested for maybe half the time. I'm not really sure why they last so long. :)
We had a fun family filled fourth. I love these types of holidays. No pressure and low key.

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