July 18th, 2009. 7 days past my due date. I was so anxious and scared to meet my first born. She came easily after I was induced and it was love at first sight. I fell in love with her beautiful pouty lips and big blue eyes. She is the one that made me a Mommy and we will always have a special bond.
She continues to amaze me everyday. I love seeing the world through her eyes. She is interested in so much and asks millions of questions. She recently started swimming in the shallow end of the pool without a swimmy when she realized she was tall enough to touch the bottom.
I am so proud of the little girl she is becoming. She loves princesses, babies, painting her nails and "putting on my makeup". She is definitely a girly girl. But she has a rough and tumble side too. She loves to wrestle, get messy and play in the yard. Puddle stomping and art make her smile.
I have no idea how much she weighs or how tall she is but it seems like she has shot up in both areas as of late. We will see at her 4 year old well check. Lily would pick a dress to wear over anything else everyday. You may see her rocking her fancy dresses to the playground.
We have a plan of cinnamon rolls for breakfast, swimming, face painting (Lily's specific request) and dinner with the family at the "Pizza Place" (Pies and Pints). We have a super fun Tangled/Rapunzel party planned for Sunday.
I love you bunches Lily! You are my favorite 4 year old!

Love that sweet face! 4 years have flown by. She is a blessing and a joy!