So it's been about a million years since I've blogged. Not for lack of stuff to blog about. I am sporting a yucky summer cold right now, but we have been keeping pretty busy around here and doing lots of fun stuff. We have been enjoying summer, although it has been raining at some point everyday for what seems like forever. Aside from that we have really been enjoying our summer.
Backing all the way up to June, we practiced tent camping in the front yard in preparation for a one night camping trip later in the month. The girls really like hanging out in the tent but they didn't make it past 9pm. They were back in the house and in their own beds.
Then we had a fun day for Daddy. Pancakes, sausage and coffee in bed. Yummy. I tried my hand at pancake shapes. Ha, I definitely need some practice.
We enjoyed a fun family day at the park and taking a little walk and also making totally weird faces. This kid, I swear.
I promise to try to be around more!

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