Tuesday, January 31, 2012
It's Okay Tuesday
-To want to run away when my toddler has a meltdown of epic proportions. (But she is really cute)
-That the Latin music at Zumba makes me crave Mexican food.
- That I unfollowed all the Kardashian's on Twitter. They are super annoying.
-That I only care about the Super Bowl because of the food.
-That I have to threaten time out to brush my kids hair.
-That it is supposed to be 61 degrees here today. That means we get to go to the park and I love warm weather.
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Monday, January 30, 2012
Avery-9 Months
Age 9 Months
Weight 20.2 pounds (75th percentile)
Length 29 inches (92nd percentile) maybe she has a chance at being tall?
Clothing size 6-12 month, 9 month sizes. She can wear 12 months but they are a little big. Size 3 diaper
Hair Lots and it is so pretty!
Teeth 2 on the bottom. Drooling and chewing on stuff like crazy. She has to be getting more soon.
Sleeping She wakes up once or twice a night still. She has improved as we have started sleep training. She does pretty well for naps during the day and takes 2 to 3. She is waking up at 6 am or before and Mommy is tired. She is so different from Lily who slept through the night from pretty early on.
Eating She eats 6 ounce bottles every 4 hours or so. She loves to eat what we are. Even with just two little teeth she can eat like the best of them. She scarfs down whatever we put in front of her. She is not a fan of pureed baby food.
Length 29 inches (92nd percentile) maybe she has a chance at being tall?
Hair Lots and it is so pretty!
Teeth 2 on the bottom. Drooling and chewing on stuff like crazy. She has to be getting more soon.
Sleeping She wakes up once or twice a night still. She has improved as we have started sleep training. She does pretty well for naps during the day and takes 2 to 3. She is waking up at 6 am or before and Mommy is tired. She is so different from Lily who slept through the night from pretty early on.
Eating She eats 6 ounce bottles every 4 hours or so. She loves to eat what we are. Even with just two little teeth she can eat like the best of them. She scarfs down whatever we put in front of her. She is not a fan of pureed baby food.
Movement Avery is on the go all the time! She can crawl like a champ and pull up on just about anything. She has stood unassisted a few times and I think she could take off and try to walk any day now.
Milestones slept through the night once this month. I really wish she would start doing it consistently.
Favorite toys/activities Anything that she can put in her mouth and chew on. She likes the activity table. Loves being outside and taking walks. Loves bath time.
Dislikes Sleeping, having her diaper or clothes changed.
Words & sounds Lots of funny noises. She shrieks and makes funny sounds and purses her lips out. Can make the m sound and d sound but hasn't said anything intentional yet.
What we love Everything about her. She is such a sweet girl and doesn't fuss unless she is tired or hungry.
What we don’t love Her sleeping pattern
What we’re looking forward to next month More awesome milestones. Clapping, standing on her own, walking?
What we love Everything about her. She is such a sweet girl and doesn't fuss unless she is tired or hungry.
What we don’t love Her sleeping pattern
What we’re looking forward to next month More awesome milestones. Clapping, standing on her own, walking?
Friday, January 27, 2012
1. sleeping beauty 2. lovin her new pillow 3. a little date night drink 4. cutest thing eva 5. sleeping with daddy 6. starbucks date 7. such a good girl 8. pure joy
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Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Some of My Current Favorites
These crackers are addicting. I could eat the whole box in one sitting. I first found them at Sam's then wasn't able to find them again. Walmart came through for me though.
The hubs put two of these babies in my stocking and I really love them. They go on just like chapstick but give you some color and don't have that sickly sweet flavor that some glosses/chapsticks do. He did good since I am a self diagnosed chapstickaholic.
The hubs put two of these babies in my stocking and I really love them. They go on just like chapstick but give you some color and don't have that sickly sweet flavor that some glosses/chapsticks do. He did good since I am a self diagnosed chapstickaholic.

He also put some of this in my stocking being aware of my hot chocolate love affair. This is the best store bought hot chocolate I have found so far.
He also put some of this in my stocking being aware of my hot chocolate love affair. This is the best store bought hot chocolate I have found so far.

I just recently started going to Zumba at our local gym. It is a great workout and super fun. I also tried hip hop Zumba this week and I like it even better.
I just recently started going to Zumba at our local gym. It is a great workout and super fun. I also tried hip hop Zumba this week and I like it even better.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012
It's Okay Tuesday
1. It's okay that I took Lily to the doctor and there ended up being nothing wrong. It's better to be safe than sorry!
2. It's okay that we went on a family walk today and then I came home and ate pizza.
3. It's okay that the we have had a really mild winter so far. I hate cold weather.
4. It's okay to be sad when Lily doesn't take a nap. She gets really cranky!
5 It's okay to not really care about Oscar nominations. I don't ever see what's so great about most of the nominated movies.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Making Cookies
Yesterday we had a less than successful play date. Lily just didn't want to share her toys and was a little tired. I had a nice time catching up with a good friend.
We made some cookies before our friends came over and these pictures are just really cute.
The result was yummy!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Pintastic 6
This cracks me up!

Love this dress for Spring

This one too!

This outfit looks so comfy.

My wish

You know that this looks awesome.

Looks delish.

Friday, January 20, 2012
Insta Friday
1. Girls in the tub 2. Avery at Gymnastics 3. Early morning juice and nana 4. Such a big girl 5. remotes are nommy 6. Crafts 7. Pancakes 8. Puttin on her makeups 9. Cutest girl eva
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
It's Okay Tuesday
It's Okay:
- That the state of the cleanliness of my house has not changed since last week's It's Okay
- To drink Hot Chocolate everyday!
- Wish my kids would take more naps, play independently so I can get stuff done.
- To have absolutely no idea (and be sorta terrified) how to get rid of Lily's Binky. Any tips?
- To want to put my almost 9 month old in baby cage so she can't crawl, stand, stage dive and hurt herself
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Monday, January 16, 2012
Great Weekend
This weekend was a great one! We headed down to Asheville, NC to visit Nathan's sisters family. The girls had a blast playing with their cousins!
We played a whole lot, and went to Gymnastics and a Hand's On Museum. I am really going to have to find a gymnastics class for Lily around here.
Below are some pics from our trip:
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