Linking up my cell phone pics:

This is my inlaws dog Cinnamon. She is probably the sweetest, most calm dog I know. She is so patient with the girls. Lily was protecting her from bees here I believe. The girls just love her.
We went to hang out with my sister. She is now the owner of our childhood home. It makes me happy to see they girls playing in the same places I did as a child. Playing the same games too.
Then we ventured up to the attic, which has a wide array of our old toys from the 80's and 90's. It's like going back in time up there.
Ave decided she was a baby.
We had a little jammie incident. These have lasted through 2 sets of piggies and lots of washing.
Super sweet hugs for Daddy.
Avery helped me take Dixie to the vet last week. She was super good the whole hour we were there. Dixie got her allergy shot and flea/heart worm pill. This poor dog has the worst allergies and fleas are seem way more attracted to her. We fight to keep them off.
Self portraits by Ave.
Super girl after her nap, and playtime in her room.
Poor Avery got her first skinned knee. She kept saying "what happened Mom" over and over. It was pretty pitiful.
Lily had a field trip to the library. Her little class walked all the way there and back. I was impressed and they were all very good.
Then sissy got in on the story time action. So cute I could scream.
I tried to make Avery's birthday super fun for her. Nathan had school so we had a girls day. Presents in the morning before Daddy had to leave. Special birthday breakfast and lunch with treats all around.
In the evening we had family over for pizza and a couple gifts. The cousins came in from NC.
And just a couple more of the birthday girl enjoying her gift from Aunt Sarah and Uncle Mike after her party. I think she had a good time.
This girl just makes me smile with her silliness.
And yay! for a decent shot of me and my girl. I usually look weird. : )

I love the cooking with weeds, I used to do that as a child too