First off, Happy Birthday to my sweet Sister! She is the best sis a girl could ask for! Love ya Sarah.
We have been doing a whole lot of nothing around here lately. I've said it before, but I am so ready for Spring. We had a couple of warmer days and it was so nice to get the girls outside to play. Here are a couple pictures of what we have been up to lately.
Lily came home around Valentines day with this cuteness. I love it.
We got to play with cousins.
We have been spending some time at chick fil a.
and playing with the Ipad.
We have been performing too. (she reminds me so much of my sister when we were younger. She was always putting on a show)
This girl doesn't get enough love on the blog, but she is an important part of our family and we all love her a bunch.
We have been doing whatever necessary to keep ourselves entertained.
I'm looking forward to my trip to LA with my sis in March! Avery's 2nd bday is coming up in April so I have to start planning for that. How is it possible that she is almost 2?

Thank you for stopping by!