She has gone from This.........
To This...........
in 2 short years. I can hardly believe how fast time has flown by. I feel like time has gone by even faster with my second girl.
Miss Avery is ready for 2. She so wants to catch up with her big sissy.
This girl is sweet, loving, funny and sassy. She has a temper and can be stubborn, but can change her mood in a second. She knows how to turn it on and off. Ave loves icicles (popsicles), mac and cheese, yogurt, fruit and chocolate milk. She still naps once a day for 2 to 3 hours in the afternoon. She wears size 24 months, 2T and a couple 18 month things and a size 5 diaper. She likes to sit on her potty seat and has been pretty successful. Hopefully we will be able to really start potty training in the next couple of months. She says tons of words/sentences and repeats everything. I love her deep little voice. She adores her sister and wants to do everything she does. There have been a couple of small disagreements between the two, but they are soon forgotten. She likes to watch cartoons, loves her buddy (blanket) and her binky.
We have a fun Disney inspired party planned for Saturday.
She is my favorite 2 year old and I am so lucky to be her Momma! Happy Birthday sweet girl!

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