So I may just make my goal to post once a week and anything over that is great. These are just some random summer fun pictures. We have been spending time with family enjoying the little bit of summer we have left. Fall is right around the corner!
My girls have a really good Daddy. He lets them do fun girly stuff and he joins in! I love it.
This one right here....... I tell ya she is something else. This was her outfit of choice the other day and I jut love it. Those are Lily's new soccer shin guards/socks. Which by the way she starts in a couple of weeks and Nathan and I got asked to be coaches. Should be pretty fun. I really hope she likes it.
These pictures of Lily are from my Mom's house. She had picked her up one day while Avery was napping and took her back to her house. This is what they did with their quality time. I sorta love it. Lily always wants to put my makeup on but I'm usually not up for the mess but Nana can spoil her.
That last picture just cracks me up. How beautiful. : )

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