This week has been pretty lazy. I'm really not sure what is up with the weather this summer but it's not normal for August. So we have been stuck inside for a lot of this week and haven't gotten too much. You can follow along with us on Instagram @jennypowellfell.
I had some time with just one child this week. I think we went to the store and it is so different with just one child at the grocery store.
I got this super cute seahorse dress at Target a while back. I love the nautical feel of it.
We played dress up.
and went on a family hike. I was rainy when we started and we didn't get very far, but the girls still had fun.
We are still working on this. We have gone backwards a little bit. She is so stubborn and if she doesn't want to do something she will let you know about it. Hopefully it will just click for her soon.
Lil took about 50 selfies and videos with my phone the other day. Do your kids do that? I had to delete a ton of pics just like this.
We did some cuddling on the couch on a rainy morning.
and got new spin brushes. It made me a little sad that Lily want the more tween toothbrush with stickers to decorate it and Avery picked out Spongebob. My four year old is growing up.
The rain knocked down these pretty flowers growing on a bush in the yard. We couldn't just let them lay there.
We have been really working on our bed time routine because we have a girl that likes to get up a bunch after being put to bed. So we have started earlier and have spent more time reading stories. This night was on the front porch.
I absolutely love that I caught this picture on our walk the other night. I just randomly turned around and snapped the pic. I didn't even realize I had caught such an epic pose until later that night. This catches Ave's current personality perfectly. I love it. Rosie, Rosie, pick your nosey.............
What have you guys been up too this week?

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