We have been having a lot of firsts around here lately. We had our first day of school, first soccer practice and first dance class. Lily has been busy! New stuff is always a little bit difficult for our shy girl. The first dance class went well. She participated and seemed to have fun. Parents were able to stay in the room for the first class so that definitely helped her feel more comfortable. She had her second class yesterday and the parents were asked to wait in the lobby. I kept peeking in and she was doing fine but about half way through she decided she needed me to be in the room for her to be able to finish the class. Hopefully it will keep getting easier for her and she will become more confident.
This is Lily and her friend from school last year, Amy. The cuteness of these little dance outfits makes me smile.
Lily also started soccer a couple weeks ago. I played all through my childhood and loved it so I was super excited to get her started. Nathan and I even got talked into coaching which is pretty fun by exhausting as well. Lily on the other hand isn't that interested in soccer so far. She did pretty well the first practice but hasn't really participated in the other practice or the first game. I think she is just sort of overwhelmed. We are going to stick it out and finish the season to see how it goes. She just turned four and the team is ages four through six. So there are definitely some bigger kids. Hopefully she will come around and start loving soccer like I did!

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